Tell Me More

Tell Me More

25 years ago I was introduced to the Center For Sales Strategy and met one of the greatest sales trainers I've ever met in Jim Hopes. Working with Jim and CSS I learned 3 magical words that have opened the door to more information, insight, and opportunities than I could ever imagine. These 3 words are so incredible that they can be used in a business meeting, in discussions with a spouse and even in that rare occasion when your Gen Z child is talking to you. "TELL ME MORE" I don't know where the phrase came from but I got it from Jim so I'll give him the credit. I want to share 5 ways these 3 simple yet magical words, and the mindset that they create, can unlock success for you and your organization.

Clients Will Tell You What's Really Important To Them

Quite often when conducting a discovery meeting or needs assessment with a prospect their responses can become as common as the response we get when we greet someone with "how are you?" and we receive he obligatory "I'm fine." They respond in this way because they don't necessarily trust that you are fully invested. They also respond in this way because you're the 3rd person that they've had to tell the same information to that day. But if you listen with your eyes, you can see when they have touched on something that's significant to them. They will share as they have with the last 3 sales people, but it's as simple as "you just mentioned a problem with distribution... tell me more." You then unlock the door for them to tell you what is really on their minds. In this case, after you ask "tell me more," just shut up and start taking notes! They will now give you their unfiltered thoughts and needs as opposed to responding to a question where you may be leading them down an off target path.

You Begin To Build Trust

One of the best ways that you can begin to build trust with a prospect or newly formed business relationship is to listen to what's important to them. I am amazed at the times when someone has told me something positive about me when all I did was listen to them? When your "Tell Me More" is couples with true active listening it helps create a sense of connection and validation with your prospect which in turn reduces stress and breaks down barriers that have kept others away. When your feels heard and understood, it enhances their sense of self-esteem and confidence which results in increased engagement and a sense of trust.

You Become Intellectually Invested With Your Prospect

When your client is telling you more, you become intellectually invested in them and their business goals. By becoming intellectually invested in your client, you can better anticipate their needs, provide more valuable insights and recommendations, and ultimately build a stronger and more meaningful relationship. It can also help you develop a more comprehensive understanding of their business needs, which can enhance your ability to deliver effective solutions and drive results and renewals.

Your Solutions Are More Targeted

Because you have allowed the client to share what's important to them, you are more likely to get a specific and actionable assignment. This, in turn, helps you identify the root cause of the problem and determine the best targeted solution. Without this type of clarity of focus, your solutions may be too broad and less effective.

You Create Solutions Together

When your client has openly shared what's important to them you are more able to collaborate with them on your solutions instead building them by yourself and in a vacuum. By collaborating the client is more invested in the solution and your closing ratio is higher because you're not presenting a solution you hope they will like and buy. Rather you are presenting to them what the two of you have been building together. Instead of "closing", you are simply agreeing to move forward on your joint creation.

The Joy Of This Blog

The Joy of this blog is that 3 simple words can open the door to greater success than you've ever known. And it all starts with us getting out of the way and allowing someone to open up. Try it with your next client engagement, discussion with your spouse or even that rare conversation with your Gen Z child. Simply say "Tell Me More," and watch them open up.